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What We Are

Background of IFCI Venture Capital Funds Ltd

IFCI Venture was set-up in 1975 as Risk Capital Foundation (RCF), a society solely sponsored by IFCI and registered under the Societies Registration Act 1860, having its Registered Office at 70 Janpath (2nd Floor), New Delhi, with the principal object of providing financial assistance on soft terms for promoters risk capital and to encourage new entrepreneurs particularly technologists and professionals to start medium and small scale industries. The funds of RCF have been provided for, by IFCI. The loans to the new entrepreneurs and promoters are free from interest excepting that they are to pay a nominal service charge to RCF to carry on its activities.

The experience gathered during the previous years, both IFCI and RCF decided that the activities of RCF will have to be enlarged and as such it would be necessary to convert the society into public limited company under the Companies Act, 1956 which will enable IFCI to augment and mop up more resources for coping with the situation and to enlarge its activities not only for granting loans to new entrepreneurs and technocrats but also to carry out research in the industrial field to encourage new entrepreneurs , professionals and technologists in the country . With this end in view RCF has decided in consultation with IFCI to convert itself into a public limited company under Part IX of the Companies Act,1956 and transfer its entire activities including the Assets and Liabilities of RCF as a society in favour of a new company limited by guarantee at the first instance in the name and style of “ RISK CAPITAL AND TECHNOLOGY FINANCE CORPORATION LIMITED” (RCTF) in December 1986, which was then converted as a company limited by shares having it registered office at IFCI Tower, Nehru Place 61, New Delhi, 110019.

In 1991, IFCI Venture took up management of a Venture Capital Fund named VECAUS- III, floated by SUUTI and IFCI to promote varied projects across industrial sectors of Indian geography. The VECAUS-III fund was closed in the year 2007 and outstanding portfolio companies were transferred to SUUTI.

The Fund was officially closed through sale of portfolio in the year 2011-12.

Thereafter IFCI Venture also managed SEBI-registered Funds under Venture Capital Fund Regulations, 1996, India Automotive Component Manufacturers Private Equity Fund-1-Domestic (IACM-I-D), Green India Venture Fund (GIVF), India Enterprise Development Fund (IEDF) with total raised corpus of Rs.508 Cr. from domestic banks/ Retain Investors and FIs. The funds were closed in 2019 after divestment of investments.

In 2015, IFCI took management of SEBI registered Alternative Investment Fund (AIF 2012 Regulations) viz. “Venture Capital fund for Scheduled Castes” (VCF-SC), which was launched by Government of India, an initiative of Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment (MoSJE). VCF-SC is a first of its kind Venture Capital Fund in India dedicated to promote entrepreneurship among the Scheduled Castes by providing concessional finance to them.

In 2018, Government of India had mandated IFCI Venture to manage another fund viz. ‘Venture Capital Fund for Backward Classes’ (VCF-BC) to promote entrepreneurship among the Backward Classes by providing concessional finance to them.

Being a RBI registered NBFC, IFCI Venture started extending corporate loans to companies in the range of Rs.5 crore to Rs.25 crore, by raising funds through bank loans and bonds, with security of mortgage of property and/or shares of listed companies. The lending operations were discontinued from 2018 and only recovery from portfolio companies are underway.

Further since 2019-20, GOI has also entrusted management of “Ambedkar Social Innovation Incubation Mission (ASIIM)” scheme initiative through VCFSC fund, in order to promote innovation and entrepreneurship among Scheduled Castes students in the higher education campuses. In this initiative, MoSJE, GOI desires that IFCI Venture shall identify 1000 young entrepreneurs within a span of 3 years, who are engaged in working on innovative and technology-oriented business ideas either in educational campuses or Technology Business Incubators (TBIs) to mentoring them to setup successful commercial enterprises.

On 4th April 2022, an amount of Rs.20 Crore has been also received under Sage Venture Fund by MoSJE to provide equity support to such start-ups which innovate on products, processes and services for elderly (Senior Citizens) covering areas like mental care, social connectivity, productive activity and product development. The fund with a present total corpus of Rs.21.525 crore, is operational since 26th August 2022.

Further, Government of India has announced setting up of Venture Capital Fund For Scheduled Tribes (VCFST) and the approved guidelines has been received on 30th September 2022. IFCI Venture is the Investment manager and the fund is registered with SEBI on 25th September 2023 and the fund was formally launched in Feb 2024.

Presently, IFCI Venture Capital Funds Limited is managing the following AIFs:


AIF Category II


Venture Capital Fund For Scheduled Castes and Backward Classes

Venture Capital
Fund For Scheduled Tribes


Venture Capital Fund For
Scheduled Castes

Capital Fund For Backward Classes

SAGE Venture Fund

Venture Capital Fund For
Scheduled Tribes


To promote
entrepreneurship among the Scheduled Castes by providing
concessional finance to
them. Further to support young entrepreneurs
who are engaged in working on
innovative and technology-
oriented business ideas.

To promote
entrepreneurship among the Backward class by providing
finance to them.

To provide equity support
to such start- ups which innovate on products,
processes and services for elderly/
covering areas like mental
care, social connectivity, productive activity, and product
development etc.

To promote
entrepreneurship among the Scheduled Tribes through provision of concessional finance to them, to support, promote, handhold the start-up ideas till they reach
commercial stage by providing equity and/or credit
support and to promote financial inclusion amongst ST entrepreneurs and to motivate them for further growth of the ST communities.

Year of

Jan, 2015

Oct, 2019

Aug, 2022

Feb 2024

Anchor investor

Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment

Ministry of Tribal Affairs

Life of fund/ schemes

14 (after final closing)+2 years

5+8 years

18 years

Commitments Received

Rs.750 Cr.

Rs. 200 Cr.

Rs.106 Cr.

Rs.50 Cr.

Raised Corpus of fund

Rs.750 Cr.

Rs. 200 Cr.

Rs.21.52 Cr.

Rs.21.52 Cr.

Sanctioned Cases






Rs.394.87 Cr.

Rs.56.19 Cr.

<10 Cr.
